Update on development of Bitcoin libraries

I am slowly moving forward with the development of Bitcoin::Crypto. Here's what I was up to:

  • Currently implementing PSBT support

    PSBT stands for Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions and is a standard for exchanging unsigned transaction data between parties. First implementation should be finished within coming weeks and allow full serialization, deserialization and validation of versions 0 and 2 of PSBT (there is no version 1). The initial plan was to implement deep integration of PSBT and other parts of Bitcoin::Crypto, but after taking a closer look I'm not so sure this is a good idea. I'm open to suggestions, which brings me to the next point...

  • Created Perl Bitcoin Toolchain Collective

    I took the liberty of starting it because I'm currently the person with the most interest in developing Bitcoin tools for Perl in the community, or so it seems. I am looking for like-minded people who would like to join and help me develop Bitcoin::Crypto and possibly other crypto libraries in the future. The goal is to enrich Perl with trusted, high-quality tools to handle Bitcoin. Getting people to contribute would be ideal, but even giving the library a try and sharing the experience will be appreciated.

  • Came up with a sample project as a tour around the library

    It struck me that most people who know Perl may not be familiar with Bitcoin. None of the documentation pages I wrote were about introduction to Bitcoin - which is fine, but I can't expect to get help if I'm not giving much guidance. To fix this, a discussion page was created with a list of steps you can follow to get an idea about library's capabilities. The steps should ideally be specific enough so that you only need to be familiar with Perl and asymmetric cryptography to complete them.

Comments? Suggestions? Send to feedback@bbrtj.eu
Published on 2024-07-13